A multimodal based CLI Tool for Generating Frontend Code

Pushkar Yadav

Mar 25, 2024

UI-POET is a command-line tool that generates frontend code (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) from user prompts. It uses AI to understand requirements, gather inspiration from images, analyze the desired UI, and generate the code without any manual coding all autonomously.

How it works:
  • Receives user prompt
  • Scrapes inspiration images
  • Analyzes images with a vision model
  • Combines image content and user prompt into a new prompt
  • Generates output using an LLM, filters it with regex, and saves it to files
Here are some samples generated via UI-POET:
  • Generate a chatbot that looks like apple'sui-poet-screenshot
  • a spotify style music playerui-poet-screenshot

What's Next: This approach showed a way how we can use multimodal AI to generate frontend code. The next steps would be to improve the quality of the generated code, add more features, and make it more user-friendly. Will try it with tooling in other products, this will remain as it is.

Available at: pushkarydv/ui-poet also attaching first release tweet below.

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